Astronomy Colloquium: Michelle Thaller

4421 Sterling Hall
@ 3:30 pm

Speaker: Michelle Thaller Institution: NASA Title: Inside NASA Communication: Incredible Science, Excruciating Suspense, SMH SNAFU’s and the Challenge of Communicating it All Abstract: I have been involved in communication for everything from our Mars missions …

Astronomy Colloquium: Janosz Dewberry

4421 Sterling Hall
@ 3:30 pm

Speaker: Janosz Dewberry Institution: Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA) Title: Shake, rattle, and roll: waves, turbulence, and tides in stellar and planetary systems Abstract: Today, modern telescopes, planetary science missions, and gravitational wave experiments …

Astronomy Colloquium: Karol Fulat

4421 Sterling Hall
@ 3:30 pm

Speaker: Karol Fulat Institution: UW-Madison Title: Particle Acceleration by Astrophysical Shocks: A Microphysical Perspective Abstract: Shock waves are ubiquitous astrophysical phenomena associated with powerful sources, e.g., supernovae, active galactic nuclei, and gamma-ray bursts. These shocks …

Astronomy Colloquium: Elias Aydi

4421 Sterling Hall
@ 3:30 pm

Speaker: Elias Aydi Institution: Texas Tech University Title: New Insights Into Novae Abstract: Novae are panchromatic transients triggered by a thermonuclear runaway on the surfaces of white dwarf stars in interacting binaries. Our understanding of …

Astronomy Colloquium: Yifan Zhou

4421 Sterling Hall
@ 3:30 pm

Speaker: Yifan Zhou Institution: University of Virginia Title: Watch Giant Worlds Form and Grow — A Direct Imaging Perspective Abstract: Recent advances have greatly enhanced our understanding of gas giant planet formation and evolution, with …

Astronomy Colloquium: Erika Marín-Spiotta

4421 Sterling Hall
@ 3:30 pm

Speaker: Erika Marín-Spiotta Institution: University of Wisconsin-Madison Title: An Equity-Minded Approach to Graduate Education: The Wisconsin Sloan Center for Systemic Change Abstract: The Wisconsin Sloan Center for Systemic Change, or WiSC2, is a hub for …

Astronomy Colloquium: Nickolay Y. Gnedin

4421 Sterling Hall
@ 3:30 pm

Speaker: Nickolay Y. Gnedin Institution: University of Chicago Title: Cosmic Reionization: Settling the Last Frontier Abstract: In the last decade, the study of cosmic reionization progressed from an almost purely theoretical field to one led …

Astronomy Colloquium: Kate Meredith

4421 Sterling Hall
@ 3:30 pm

Speaker: Kate Meredith Institution: Geneva Lake Astrophysics and STEAM Building a Multidisciplinary Community: The Impact of Sonification World Chat in Astronomy Abstract: The Sonification World Chat (SWC), initiated in February 2020, addresses the growing need …

Astronomy Colloquium: Patrick Slane

4421 Sterling Hall
@ 3:30 pm

Speaker: Patrick Slane Institution: Harvard CfA Title: The X-ray Sky in High Definition: Twenty-five Years of Astrophysics with the Chandra X-ray Observatory Abstract: X-ray astronomy is a product of the space age. Possible only from viewing …

Astronomy Colloquium: Geoffrey A. Blake

4421 Sterling Hall
@ 2:30 pm

Speaker: Geoffrey A. Blake Institution: California Institute of Technology Title: High Fidelity Spectroscopy of Exoplanet and Protoplanetary Disk Atmospheres Abstract: The extraordinary range of conditions in protoplanetary disks drives complex patterns of atomic, molecular, and …