Our Mission
The UW-Madison Astronomy Department’s mission is to conduct cutting edge research and to offer students and postdocs the highest quality of education. We conduct research in diverse areas of astronomy, from the physics of stars to cosmology, in observation and theory, and through the construction of cutting edge instruments for our complement of telescopes. We pride ourselves in an inclusive, diverse, and friendly scientific environment.
The department consists of 150 members, with currently 18 faculty members, 8 scientists, 5 postdocs, and 33 graduate students. We offer an undergraduate major in Astronomy and Physics and graduate studies towards a Ph.D. in astrophysics. Regular seminars, group meetings and lunches, and many intra- and inter-department collaborations enrich the exchange of ideas that is vital to developing new ideas and to perfect scientific inquiry.
From a traditional strength in observational astronomy and space- and ground-based instrumentation, and a long history of first rate research in the study of astrophysical gases and the interstellar medium, the department is pursuing traditional as well as new avenues, with a recent emphasis on the observational and theoretical study of structure formation and the physics of stars.
This website, implemented in 2011, aims to convey some of the exciting science and the engrossing learning environment you can find at the UW-Madison Astronomy Department.
Upcoming Events in Astronomy
Exoplanet Coffee @ 3:00 pm WiCOR Classroom
Astronomy Colloquium: Nicholas J. McConnell @ 3:30 pm 4421 Sterling Hall
Exoplanet Coffee @ 3:00 pm WiCOR Classroom
Department Birthday Celebration: February Birthdays @ 4:00 pm Outside 4421 Sterling Hall